God, hold us to that which drew us first,
when the cross was the attraction, and we wanted nothing else. ~ Amy Carmichael

Thursday, April 30, 2009

"As murky and unclear as the mud puddles outside my door..."

The waves lap on shore
The mantra of the ocean
Speaking to my soul.

The sunlight dances
Asleep, her face is peaceful
The smell of roses.

To see you clearly
Is my heart's desire and wish
My bright eyes on you.

Home, an illusion
Perhaps, it's otherworldly
Where the heart abides.

Running and running
Chasing a fading dream world
The glass is shattered.

Lives under the bridge
Whisky, garbage, and bruises
Yet their voices smile.

Dust to dust. Our lives.
Sunrise to sunset we live -
A pond of vapors.