Lately I have been struck by how much stuff I have. The more money I make, the more I spend on myself. I find myself making daily trips to Starbucks, grocery shopping at the most expensive, organic markets, eating out often, and taking more trips. I think of the teenagers I met in the favela in Brazil. Of the children at the orphanage in Mexico. Of Joni, the woman I met last week on the corner, holding a sign asking for money. And I am disgusted with myself. With my greed, my consumerism, my materialism.
So here's the challenge I'm setting out to accomplish: For the next year, instead of swinging by Target or the mall everytime I think I need something, I will only buy used things, borrow, or go without (except food and toiletries). I'm not doing this to make myself more holy, but I have to do something different. I can't keep living in this wasteful, gluttonous way while the majority of the world lacks basic necessities such a food, water, and shelter.
I want to learn to be more generous with others and not so self-consumed. A life poured out. For His glory, not my own.