I'm starting to run again. If I'm here in April (I hope I'm in Brazil by then!), then I want to run the 10-mile Pear Blossom. In my seemingly long hiatus from running, I had forgotten all of the Biblical truths that come alive when my feet hit the pavement. Truths about running the race with endurance, about running to win a prize (Jesus), about straining for what's ahead and not looking back.
The other morning I was running towards the rising sun, fog lifting off the mountains, dew resting on the pastures. That is how this life is. As we run towards the Son of God, the fog slowly lifts from around us, and we begin to see clearly. We begin to see things as they truly are. We remember that each person is an eternal being, created to know and glorify his or her maker. And oh how it made me long for Heaven. I pray that each of us will remember this as we go about our day to day lives. Remember that each person we encounter is someone the Lord is longing to be with. And perhaps the Lord has made our paths cross in order to use us as arrows that point to Him.