As I was getting out of my car on Good Friday, a man approached me, "Miss, do you have any spare change so I could get something to eat, miss? I understand if you're strapped for money or don't have any to spare. Just thought I'd ask." His speech was slurred and he couldn't walk a straight line. He tripped and almost fell as he walked nearer. "Sorry, miss, I haven't slept in a long time. And I've smoked a lot of
pot today." The smell of alcohol wafted from his breath.
I had a measly two bucks, which I handed to him. I have no idea if he bought food with it, but it doesn't really matter. As I talked with him, I could almost hear the Lord saying, "Brianna, this is Me." Matthew 25: 40 "And the King will answer and say to them, 'Assuredly I say to you, inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, My brethren, you did it to Me." We ended up talking about the Lord, about His amazing love. I felt overwhelmed by my own selfishness. If Patrick hadn't approached me, I don't think I would have seen him. I wonder how often I miss out on encounters such as these because I am simply absorbed in my own world.
This year I have become more aware and thankful of what Christ did for us then ever before. Do you ever think about the Cross and feel as if you're seeing Him for the first time? Like you hear His call for the first time, to come and follow? Oh Lord, let me not forget again. Take this life of mine and use it for Your glory.