"God never witholds from His child that which His love and wisdom call good. God's refusals are always merciful -- "severe mercies" at times but mercies all the same. God never denies us our hearts desire except to give us something better." Elisabeth Elliot
And so the sifting process begins again. I'm not sure why I ever think it's through. God is ever refining and shaping me into the woman He created me to be. He could make my life easy and pain-free, but not if He's going to conform me to the image of His Son. I have this image of my broken, sliced open, and hemorrhaging heart. A band-aid would do me no good. Instead, the Lord's nail-scarred hand applies deep, breath-taking pressure. Oh how it hurts! But I know through this pain and discomfort will come ultimate healing. He wants to bind up my brokenheart in order to make me whole again. Rather, to make me whole for the first time.
I love the passages of scripture that compare us to trees planted by streams of water (Psalm 1:1-3; Isaiah 61:1-3). How I long to be like a tree, firmly rooted in Christ. Quenched by the water of the word, growing by the light of the Son. Steadfast and unshakable, despite the chaos around me, despite disappointment, despite heartache. Gazing always heavenward, eyes fixed upon Jesus, no matter if I stand in a forest or stand alone. Would that He was my only desire!
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